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Benedict Nuns (베네딕토 수도회) CD / The Nuns - Chant From Avignon

레이블 : Universal
출시일 : 2010/11/25
장르 : 고음악
상태 : 품절
판매가 : 15,000
할인가 : 12,400 원 (120)
수량 :
1.Overture: Invitatory Surrexit Dominus, Ps. 94 6:27
2.Sadness In Life: Introit Exsurge 3:34
3.Sadness In Life: Lamentation Oratio Jeremiae 4:36
4.Annunciation Bells 1:27
5.Sadness In Life: Sequence Dies Irae 6:02
6.Sadness In Life: Tract Commovisti 3:41
7.Sadness In Life: Offertory Recordare 1:25
8.Sadness In Life: Alleluia Oportebat Pati Christum
9.Stay With Us: Alleluia Cognoverunt 2:19
10.Stay With Us: Communion Panis 1:02
11.Stay With Us: Hymn Adoro Te 3:50
12.Stay With Us: Introit Esto Mihi 3:20
13.Stay With Us: Offertory In Te Speravi 1:10
14.Stay With Us: Sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus 2:29
15.Stay With Us: Antiphon Ubi Caritas 2:37
16.Burning Hearts: Antiphon Nonne Cor Nostrum, Magnificat 4:04
17.Burning Hearts: Response Regnum Mundi 2:03
18.Burning Hearts: Gradual Christus 2:22
19.Burning Hearts: Offertory Dextera Domini 1:29
20.Burning Hearts: Antiphon Alleluia, Ps. 116 1:53
21.Burning Hearts: Hymn Benedictus Es 6:00
22.Annunciation Peal Of Bells 
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